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Saturday, October 3, 2009

How I told Corey

So as promised I mentioned that I would do a post explaining how the whole pregnancy came about, (that sounds funny.) Corey and I have been trying to have a baby for over 2 years, we had seen some doctors run a bunch of tests and everything came out pretty much normal. We just came to the realization that it just wasnt our time. So Corey and I decide to sell our beautiful home and get out of debt and try to start over. Sure enough I was at work one day and had been talking to my sister in law Erin about how long it has been between my last period. She of course said YOUR PREGNANT! I had been let down so many times, taken so many pregnancy tests that I refused to check, but finally got talked into it. So on my lunch break I ran to the store and bought a pregnancy test. I took it and it came back positive. I instantly started crying but had to immediatley gain my composer and get back to work. On my way home I was trying to think of a way to tell Corey. He works graveyards so when I got home I knew that he wouldnt be there, but I also got home around 2300 and was so exhausted I didnt want to do anything too drastic. So I thought "what will Corey do first right when he comes home?"......."IKE" came to mind. Corey and Ike have this really really great bond, truly Coreys best friend so I decided to right a poem and post it on Ikes kennel, so when Corey got home he would let him out and come to bed. So I did!! Here is the picture and poem that was on Ikes kennel. I hope that you can read it.

Then of course I can put this up now, but as most of you know the worst thing that you can do is tell everyone too soon cause you never know what can happen but.........................who are we kidding who can wait for such an exciting thing. On the fourth of July we always have such a HUGE family party, with yummy food, fireworks and good company. So this is how we told the family. (real quick this is how long it took me to update this blog......4th of July, Oh brother)

I decided to make a 7 layer bean dip. hahahaha I just think its cute, and to see the family try to make out what the olives said was just hilarious!! Everyone was so excited and that made the whole thing just that more special!! Thank YOU.

Which then leads me to today. I am now 19 weeks and had my ultrasound of what the babys sex is, so here it goes. WE ARE HAVING A...................................................................


We are so excited and everything is good and healthy between baby and mamma so far, which we are grateful for!!

Here she is waving at us. HAHAHA she was being so crazy at the ultrasound appointment and I just barley was able to feel her move around the other day. This is a such an amazing blessing, and we couldnt be more excited.


Jessie said...

Jess I'm SO SO excited for you! What a cute way to tell Corey.

I need to get your address for my shower, I would love to see you!

Email it to me at

Chris & Nikki said...

Jess I am so excited for you guys we need to get together!! Call me 801.448.5493 Love ya

Amanda Edwards said...

Congrats! We are so happy for you.

Cody and Wendy said...

A precious little girl, how exciting! I can just picture all the pink, bows and sun-dresses!! I'm sure Corey will find a LOVELY camo dress or something! :) CONGRATS you guys!!

love_b said...

So spesh!! Girls are the GREATEST!!!

The Downs Family said...

That was the cutest way ever! DUH I just realized I havnt even seen your ultrasound pics yet what the? She looks cute already though I am so excited to have a little niece to spoil rotten!

Alli said...

Congrats Jess!!! I'm so happy for you, you will love being a mommy! What a cute post and great way to tell your hubby and your family!

Jacee said...

Oh congrats....that is totally awesome. I am so late in telling you this, since I am not on here very much. A girl too. THats so cool. CONGRATS. Hope all goes well.