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Monday, February 22, 2010


I know it was a little early due to me being under so much stress or my body per say but we have finally gotten to hold, kiss, see and adore our new baby girl on 2/12/2010 @ 5:13 pm. She weighed 6 lbs 11 ounzes and was 18 inches long, just a little thing. She is soooo CUTE and look exactly like Corey. She is healthy and beautiful and we couldnt ask for anything more. The story began with Corey and I going to the hospital that morning to do a Non Stress test AGAIN and just make sure all was well. Well much to my surprise I had been to the docotor the day before and my blood pressure was perfect, baby was perfect and doctor broke the news that we wasnt going to induce me or anything if I and baby were perfectly healthy. Fair enough except that I was under the impression that he would anyway. I was super discouraged but new it just wasnt her time. So when we showed up to the hospital the next morning I was sure it was just going to be another NST that went well. Well baby was fine but for some reason my blood pressure was high I all the sudden had high blood pressure again and my swelling had substanitally gotten worse over night. AAAAHHHH!! My prayers were answered, she was ready. They started inducing me around 10:00 that morning and I had asked for my epidural not to long after that I think around 1-1:30. MAN OH MAN let me just tell you something once I had that medication in me I was the happiest pregnant women alive. I honestly dont know what women are thinking going natural, I had seriously probably the best experience ever, zero complications, could totally move my legs, walk around after its just that I couldnt feel them. WEIRD WEIRD experience but I was laughing during the delivery, and having a good ole time..........SERIOUSLY!!! But anyway soon after the epidural I noticed a little bit of pressure and mentioned it to my nurse she checked me I was complete then "WHALA" baby Avery was here. Seriously that easy!! Everyone says I was super lucky and normal deliveries are like that but I guess its just one more blessing that I can be grateful for. Anyway enough chat here are some pictures of our angel.


Jessie said...

Jess she is SO BEAUTIFUL! Nora had to be under the bilis too. So so sad but but they kind of make cute pictures! I'm glad the delivery went well. Epidurals are seriously THE BEST! I hope you're getting lots of sleep.

Cici said...


Meg and Brad said...

Congratulations you two! She is absolutely beautiful! we are so excited for you and wish you the best!

chelsey said...

YAY! She is just ADORABLE. And I love her name. I'm so glad you had such a pleasant delivery...I can only dream of having one like yours:) So happy for you!

Chris & Nikki said...

Holy cow Jessie she is such a doll. Im so happy everything went well. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!

Clint and Shari said...

She is Beautiful:) I am glad that she is finally here!!! I can't wait to see her. Congrats you guys! love ya

Chandana said...

This is so pretty a blog.

Should you need any Scriptural guidance and the LORD's help in any of your matters, the messages in this blog will surely provide for you:

Have a blessed reading.And you may gladly write back if you have any prayer need.

God bless you.